Announcements/Homework Section


 The First Day

School begins at 8:30am.  Please have your child here at school between 8:15 and 8:30 to avoid being tardy. 

The first day of school will be exciting and scary for your child.  There may be even tears.  I promise you that your child will be in good hands.  Please come in and say your goodbyes.  The quicker this is, the easier it will be for all of us.  Thank you.


Daily Communication/Home Folder

I will be communicating with you daily about your child's day through the home folder.  I have purchased these folders for you but if your child loses it during the school year, you will need to send a replacement.  In the folder will be a behavior calendar, papers, and school notes.  The calendar day must be initialed by you and returned the next day. 


Your child will be bringing it home beginning on the 4th week of school.  The purpose of any homework sent home will be to reinforce concepts already taught in the classroom.  Homework will be sent home on the 1st day of the week and should be returned on the last day of the week.